catch up

the female experience wandering reaching farther faster than ever before in human recollection unearthing deception and lies –  truth immortalised in visions of where we are going

the male finally excepting its limitation the stagnation of not having the answers that the patriarchy once understood so well

thousands of years each cycle turning again to the feminine Kali reaching from the flames to disengage the old world’s interpretation of success

emotionally unbinding circumventing the logic bringing it back to centre – a forgotten technology in a coma awakening to life

will you join us (the masculine) or will the pride be too much to overcome – what is won is so much better on the other side if fear does not devour you 

let us lead for a while like a child holding the hand of its mother you’ll recover we will show you what you have been missing

without our womb there would be nothing to engage with so trust us in the reclaiming of the dormant connection to creation 

step by step sitting on the stairs to eat a slice of humble pie – the competitive nature of existence falling to pieces like a melting iceberg replaced with joy and love 

aha so we never had to struggle, fight, kill, sedate to get through. the masculine so cocky in the formulaic and the logical

missing so many signs along the way that it is not a straight line but a circle, 4D

confronting it is the key in the paradox as nothing lost can be found without throwing away the map that made you go in circles in the first place 

the feminine opening up to the heart the instincts that were dead sparking nerve endings rebooted to complete the human system

will you catch up? because it’s starting we are here and we are rising 

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